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August 7, 2019

Cities and States #CommitToClean for a Renewable Revolution

Commit to Clean_Renewable Energy_Seventh Generation Update

With climate victories around the country pointing the way toward a cleaner, healthier planet, we’re happy to report that the climate revolution is alive, thriving—and growing.

A healthy and just climate future won’t happen all at once—and it won’t be easy. As we’ve seen, it takes bold, passionate people coming together to fight for their shared commitment to a transition away from fossil fuels, and toward clean energy solutions that are better for people and the planet.

We’re proud to partner with and support many of the activists and organizations leading the charge and we’re excited to bring some updates from the movement as we continue to fight for a healthier planet for future generations to come.

Rise for Climate 2018_San Francisco Rally

120 Cities #CommitToClean - and Counting

Two years ago, Seventh Generation joined forces with The Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 initiative, which empowers everyday people to help their cities and local leaders #CommitToClean 100% renewable energy. To date, 120 cities (and counting) have made the pledge, an impact so far-reaching that 1 in 5 people now live in a community that’s on the path to cleaner energy[1].

These historic gains are only possible because local officials, labor representatives, faith leaders, community groups, and everyday people like you know our children’s future is worth fighting for.

Find out if your city has committed to clean energy, then raise your voice and take action by telling your leaders it’s time to #CommitToClean.

Entire States are Stepping Up

As of today, six states—Hawaii, California, Nevada, Washington, New Mexico, and New York, plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico—have committed to 100 % renewable energy[2]. Even more states, such as Colorado and Illinois, are well on their way. This is a huge deal. While the positive impacts of victories on the city level are already being felt, state-wide commitments have the capacity and potential to affect even broader, longer-lasting change and turn the tide on the negative health effects associated with climate change and the burning of fossil fuels. Examples of these negative health effects are asthma, heat illness, & vector-borne diseases.

We’re especially excited by the recent passage of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, (CLCPA) which has set the strongest greenhouse gas emission standards in the nation[3]. We’re proud to have stood alongside and supported organizations like NY Renews and PUSH Buffalo as they led the work to help pass this historic climate policy.

Seventh Generation NY Renews Push Buffalo_CLCPA

While the final version of this bill lacked some of the key equity provisions that would ensure that New York’s transition to renewable energy is both clean AND just, this landmark law is a climate victory worth celebrating – and we’re committed to supporting the ongoing fight for climate justice in New York.

The Market for Renewable Energy is Expanding

With each new city that commits, with each new state that takes bold steps, with each new company that invests in renewable technologies, the market for clean energy sources and zero-carbon innovation keeps growing. The most tangible benefit of this is that clean energy sources like wind and solar become more common and less expensive, which can help speed up a larger, national transition. As journalist David Roberts writes, eventually the clean energy movement “will grow so large that [more] states will jump on board, so they aren’t left behind.[4]

Keeping Justice in View

As the shift to renewable energy spreads further and becomes more common, it’s essential that the shift happens in a way that is fair and just to all people. As Sierra Club notes, a broad shift to cleaner energy can only have maximum impact if it’s done justly and in service of the communities most affected. “We won’t reach 100 percent if we’re not also achieving economic, environmental, and racial justice. We must ensure that clean energy fosters healthy and resilient communities, a safer climate, and a stronger democracy where every family, worker, and student benefits[5].”

That’s something we can all get behind—and keep fighting for. The time is now to #CommitToClean renewable energy for the future generations that rely on the action we take today. 




