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August 28, 2019

Thinking Seven Generations Ahead

Seventh Generation Generation Good

When we look around, we’re constantly inspired by all the caring, mindful people we see who are committed to leaving the world a better place than they found it. That shared spirit—of making healthy choices that benefit our families today, and the greater good for generations to come—is the spirit of our community, Generation Good. And no matter where you live, or how old you are, if you’re someone who’s doing small things every day to nurture your family and protect the planet we all share, you’re already connected to thousands who are making healthy choices and helping put more good into the world. YOU are Generation Good, and we’re all in this together!

We asked members of our online Generation Good community to tell us about the small acts of good they’re doing to help protect the planet and ensure a healthy future for the next seven generations. Their responses were full of insight, optimism, and plenty of useful tips. We hope you’ll be as inspired as we were by what was shared:

  • “My family and I recycle everything! We recycle cans and any cardboard products, including all of our Amazon boxes.”—Jessica T.
  • I’ve always been a composter, even as a child. It supports my garden beds and reduces the amount of garbage that goes out on the curb.”—Alice K.
  • “I live in a rural area with no recycling collection, so I collect all my recyclable plastics and take them to a local grocery store that offers recycling.”—Joanna J.
  • “We as a family have stopped using disposable plastics, Styrofoam cups, and plastic forks and spoons.”—Stacie B
  • “Using reusable grocery bags is a good way to limit waste.”—Duab V.
  • “I drink from a BPA-free reusable water bottle.”—Jasmine B.
  • “We have a ground-source heat pump for our home. It uses geothermal energy to heat and cool our home, seriously reducing our environmental footprint.”—Leah V.
  • “Grow your own food! You'll save so much money growing your own vegetables, and when they flower, you're helping out the pollinators of our planet.”—Marleah A.
  • “I've been trying to use products from companies who are B-corps and that have more natural ingredients in them.”—Samantha P.
  • “If we teach our children to be environmentally responsible, then they do the same with their children and it's passed on throughout the generations.”—Rhonda P.
  • “Instead of plastic straws, you can buy a reusable metal one. Using cloth diapers for your baby is also helpful because you can always wash and reuse again.”—Sarann S.
  • “Owning our own animals that produce food makes fewer trips to the grocery store, using fewer fossil fuels and fewer plastic bags.”—Ashley T.
  • “Plant trees and teach our children the importance of going green.”—Kimberly P.
  • “I wash and reuse storage/sandwich bags, line dry clothes when the weather permits, collect water in a rain barrel to water the garden and flowers, and plant a huge veg garden.”—Sherry M.
  • “I use Bees wax wraps/cloths instead of cling wrap or plastic bags.”—Liza W
  • “I teach my kids to turn off the water while brushing their teeth or putting on shampoo.”—Daniela F.
  • "I am trying to encourage my four-year-old and her siblings to help save the planet by using recyclable items and shopping for eco-friendly products. We do this as a family and the young ones catch on pretty quickly!”—Shirley W.

Feeling inspired? So are we!

If you haven’t joined our online Generation Good community, check it out and add your voice to the conversation! Share your ideas, learn from others, grow together—not to mention you’ll have the opportunity to win amazing products, participate in fun activities, and have access to exciting special offers. Join today!

You don’t have to be a member of our online community to spread good each and every day. Together, we’re all #GenerationGood, and there’s no time like the present to start creating the healthy future our children deserve.

We're #GenerationGood
Let's build a healthier future together. Share your #GenerationGood moments with us on Instagram!