June 12, 2013

The Best Thing About Being a Dad

Father Daughter Close Up

Seventh Generation loves dads. What better way to celebrate them than to find out what the dads on our team love about fatherhood? Warning: Smiles will ensue.

"This morning's conversation!  
Me: Good morning!?  
My son: Extra kisses for Dada."

"I think what I love most about being a dad is watching my sons do things that they didn't think they could do. Nothing makes me more proud than seeing my sons proud of themselves. Swimming out to the floating raft for the first time. Making the 5.5 mile bike ride for the first time. Finishing their homework on time. Singing in the school concert. Those are the types of things I love about being a dad."

"Getting hugs from tiny little arms."

"Melt moment: Dada, I missed you today."

"I thoroughly enjoy watching my daughters when they compete playing softball. Each one has her own strengths and together they create a winning combination in the infield.  I especially enjoy watching them as they work together assessing the game and discussing ways to succeed. Each coaching and learning from the other in a particular moment. The icing on the cake happens when a big play is made by one or the other  - they reach for a high five to the other and see the competitive congratulations and acknowledgment  they offer each other. A truly great moment in my life as a dad."

"That unexpected moment when my daughter reaches out to hold my hand. Gets me every time."

"Seeing the pure joy and excitement on my kids' faces as they learn and experience new things."

"I just started sleep training my little guy and in the mornings now when my wife and I go into his room and get him, he sees us for the first time in eight hours and is just all smiles. He's so happy to see me and it makes all the sleepless nights I've been through the last three months worth it."

"The best part about being a dad is getting to be a kid again!"

"When I come home and my 3 kids yell, 'Hi Daddy!'"

"Weekends: Waking up and being asked to cook pancakes. Every dad should be cooking pancakes on the weekends for his kids."

"When my 12 year old daughter left me behind skiing in the bumps.  What could be better than seeing your kids succeed beyond your own capabilties? Or when I ask about the best part of their day, being told 'seeing you.'"

"Seeing the joy on their faces when they do something awesome."

"Being able to make them feel better when they have a tough day."

"Seeing them looking out for friends and strangers."

"What makes my heart melt every time is when I walk into the room and she hears my voice, she smiles and her beautiful eyes light up! There is nothing better than having someone love you for just being you."

What do you love about being a dad?

Photo: John Carleton